Internal Specialist
Internal Specialist
Dr. Syed Mamoon Akhtar MRCP, FCPS (Internal Medicine) Specialist Internal Medicine.
Dr. Syed Mamoon Akhtar is a Member of Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) and also has FCPS (Fellowship in Internal Medicine) from College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. He has HAAD license as Specialist Internal Medicine. He worked as an Internal Medicine Specialist in Ahalia Hospital Abu Dhabi. Dr. Syed Mamoon Akhtar has 10 years' experience in Internal Medicine in Public sector tertiary care hospitals with 4 years post FCPS experience in the Middle East including Oman and UAE after his Fellowship degree.
Dr. Nahyan major aspiration in the life is to contribute and extend his knowledgebase and expertise for the development of a sustainable Occupational Medicine/Health and Healthcare System in Abu Dhabi and the UAE. Moreover, his aspiration extends to help promoting a culture of Occupational Health, Remote Healthcare, Health Education and Health Promotion, and Public Health among workers and employees in all industries, as a day to day practice in the UAE community